Transforming Care Development East's Online Presence

"101 delivered what we asked for and more. They challenged our thinking and provided suggestions and solutions beyond our initial expectations."

Christian Bone, Chief Executive of Care Development East


CDE Website

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Care Development East (CDE) is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting excellence in the social care and health workforce in the East of England. They provide impartial advice, support, and guidance to the sector, assisting organisations in implementing new competencies, seeking funding opportunities, and developing a highly skilled and person-centred workforce. Through various initiatives and events, such as Care Careers Suffolk, the I Care Ambassadors scheme, and the annual Suffolk Care Awards, CDE promotes rewarding careers in care and raises the profile of the sector.

The Brief

When CDE approached 101, their existing WordPress website was struggling to keep pace with the organisation's growing needs, and they needed support to address several key issues.

CDE's website was difficult to maintain and didn't have the functionality and capabilities required to attract a wider audience and showcase their services. 

The website lacked essential accessibility features, making it difficult to offer an inclusive browsing experience. Christian explains, "Accessibility was a major concern for us. Our previous website had limitations when catering to users with diverse needs, and we wanted to ensure that our content was accessible to everyone."

CDE had difficulties with the website's Google Analytics set-up, finding it unwieldy and insufficient for their needs. They needed a more streamlined and effective approach to track metrics and gather data to evaluate the website's performance.

Our Solutions

The redesign has resulted in significant benefits for Care Development East and its stakeholders.

"Working with 101 on the Care Development East website has been a resounding success. They designed a website that truly delivers for CDE and its stakeholders." - Christian Bone.

The new website offers intuitive navigation and a consistent layout, ensuring visitors can easily access information. Incorporating accessibility features, such as text size adjustment, dark mode, high contrast, and reading lines, has created a more inclusive and engaging browsing experience for all users.

The website's new Umbraco Content Management System (CMS) has streamlined website maintenance and allows for the quick creation of new pages using preset styles and templates provided by 101. This ensures a polished look across the site and accommodates CDE's evolving needs as they grow.

The implementation of user-friendly forms, particularly for the annual Suffolk Care Awards, has significantly improved data collection and organisation. The website’s backend system efficiently manages collected data, saving valuable time and simplifying administrative processes.

The new website has had a transformative impact on Care Development East's online presence. The professional design and user-friendly interface reflect CDE's reputation as a trusted organisation within the healthcare industry. Positive feedback from key stakeholders, including CDE’s Board and the Local Authority, further reinforces the website's effectiveness in demonstrating their professionalism and dedication to serving their clients' needs.

"I wholeheartedly recommend 101 to others seeking website design and development services.” - Christian Bone

"101's personal touch sets them apart from competitors. They took time to understand our goals and provide creative solutions beyond what we had imagined. That's the kind of expertise you want in an agency.”

Christian Bone, Chief Executive of Care Development East

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