At 101, we're experts in delivering website and app integrations to help our clients drive business and improve efficiency. We listen carefully and develop solutions that are bespoke to the unique needs of each client.

House Exchange
House Exchange

Integration With Systems

Many organisations have data available on their internal systems and servers that could be useful to a wider audience such as clients, suppliers or staff away from the main site. This is particularly relevant to data that changes regularly or is difficult to translate into normal web content.

There are several techniques to make data available to an external website and they are largely driven by the immediacy of the data. If vital information is changing rapidly then a live connection is needed. If the data changes from day to day but is not urgent then an overnight copy may be appropriate. If the data is complex but largely unchanging, then an ad-hoc copy is more appropriate.

Need a Development Partner?

Are you looking for a development partner to support you with a database integration project? If so, we can help. We have extensive experience of developing software integration solutions for a wide range of clients across many sectors, from agriculture to the leisure industry.

Client Database Integration Examples:

  • Trade association - making its member directory available online using data in the main membership database.
  • Freight handler - making documents and transactions held in house available to clients and agents worldwide.
  • Training organisation - showing real-time availability and taking bookings for their courses from students worldwide.
  • Auction house - making its sales catalogue held in an in-house system available online.
  • National body - advising farmers about disease probability based on Met Office data and internal grower records.
  • Holiday firms - providing seamless SuperControl integration to support holiday companies' online booking and back office systems.

For more information about the database integration projects we've handled for clients and to discuss your own requirements please get in touch. 

Let's Talk

Data Security & Immediacy

In all cases, the security of the data and the server or system it is coming from is of paramount importance. This is most imperative when the connection is live, particularly if the connection is transferring data both ways.

There also needs to be immediacy and accuracy when accessing the data. For example, when a ticket booking system is used for taking online bookings alongside telephone bookings, the underlying database needs to know every time a ticket is sold so that 'availability' can be kept current for both systems. With this approach, data transfers are made using only recognised functions and only from recognised servers.

There are many ways to implement data integration projects and the best solution will depend on your specific needs. Please contact us for a no-obligation chat to discuss your needs.


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